Angélique Cormier is a musician, composer, soundpainter and teacher, and she's developping visual art with origami since years. She's the artistic director of the Tours soundpainting orchestra she founded in 2005. She graduated from the CFMI of Tours, and with the International soundpainting certifcate in multidisciplinary composition. While she followed a classic piano and classic dance training, she discovered the contemporary music and vocal improvisation with the Choir Mikrokosmos. Through the years, she developed a strong desire for working with multidisciplinary arts, improvisation, and pedagogy. In 2009 she received the award « Envie d'agir » for her professional and creative project with the TSO, with who she develops works for theater and public spaces, and collaborations with different artists and structures from all around the world. She also has created many pedagogical and creative projects for very various structures and audiences (university, choirs, orchestras, Conservatories, hospitals, building sites, prisons, entreprises, refugees camps...). She is now touring on the project « Pop Up, jeu de piste artistique », which received the award « Ecrire pour la rue » from the french SACD - Société des auteurs compositeurs dramatiques, with the TSO and collaborating with the Company Strike Anywhere Performance Ensemble (NY). She has been artist in residency with Leese Walker in april 2019, at the Lycee Français of Manhattan, and has co-leaded the International Soundpainting Think Tank in july 2019 in Tres Cantos, with Ricardo Gassent and Walter Thompson. She's the artistic director and co-author of a live-composed opera about Energy, ordered by the pOlau - pôle art et urbanisme (St Pierre-des-corps, France) for 2020-2021. She's developing also projects around folded, sculpted paper (origami) mixed with digital art, lights, music, for installations and performances. Facebook TSO